Dummy Boards


  • Very handy when using Hoffman style frames – use this to ‘fill in’ that end gap.
  • Great for Beginners – by removing this board first during inspections, it will make it easier to remove the other frames and limit bees getting crushed or squashed.
  • Can also be used to split your colony or fill up the gaps when there is a small brood nest.
  • Prevents bees building brace comb.
They are made for both National and Commercial Broody Body sizes. There are three thicknesses please choose single, double or treble when ordering.
They are slightly thinner than a Brood Frame top bar so allowing easier fit.
By removing the Dummy Board first during inspections, it will make it easier to loosen and remove the other frames and limit maiming the bees.
A Dummy Board is used to stop bees building brace comb in boxes with less frames than their capacity- useful when you are building your colony.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Which Type

National, Commercial


Single, Double, Treble, 12ml